Programming an Introduction
Welcome everyone, I am here today to tell you everything about Programming. If you are a complete beginner then this is a perfect article to understand programming and get started with your programming life. Just make sure you are willing for an adventure out there.
So, What is Programming?
Programming(or coding) is not at all complicated as it sounds. It is just writing instruction to a computer for solving a problem or completing some task, and nothing else. Now, if we try to explain this using technical terms, it would go something like
" Programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a specific task. The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of instructions that will automate the performance of a task (which can be as complex as an operating system) on a computer, often for solving a given problem."(source: Wikipedia)
The above-mentioned definition will look quite confusing for a learner. Therefore, we won't focus much on understanding this as of now. Now you might think why must I learn to program
Why Programming?
Programming lets you bring your computer to life, and by bringing your computer to life, I am sure you would say that it won't start cooking my meals, but actually, if you provide it the right components and hardware it might. What I mean to say is, wait...
have you seen robots? ever thought how do they interact so easily with us, in many cases without external human interference, Even they are programmed. Yes, programming has got that power.
Now, do you believe me if I would say that programming brings the computer to life?
There are also many skills to learn. If you just google 'Skills gained through programming', I am sure you will find tons of websites telling you that you can learn problem-solving,algorithm-building, etc. I don't say that you don't learn all that. You surely do. But most-importantly you start getting creative ideas, every time you learn something new, you will get thoughts on what all can you do with that command, And I am telling all this through real-life experiences, Even I am a programmer. And in the coming generation coding will be the new, most-required knowledge in the market.
And who wouldn't want some extra cash? Not necessarily but yeah you can always work as a freelancer and have a passive source of income(good for teens).
What are the languages of programming?
There are 2 forms of Programming. the first one is Block-Based and the second one is Text-based. There are many languages for programming like C, C++, Java, JNode, Python, Fox, C#, HTML, and many more.
But many of them have become either old-fashioned or are no more in use.
The 3 languages which were very much in use until a couple of years back, but lately, their requirements and usage has decreased.
these 3 are C, Java, C#/C++. Even today many apps and websites are running on these language-based scripts. But the one very much in trend and requirements for the market is of Python.
Python is preferred over the other languages these days because it is an open-source language (That means we can find the libraries easily over the web. It is a dynamically typed language and so has an advantage over the other statistically typed languages(beginners, please don't get confused, you will get it as you start learning to code). It is also very easy to learn/read/use and due to it being very flexible it has a wide application in the fields of Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, computer vision.
Should I start with block-based or with text-based?
If you are a complete beginner then I would recommend you start with Block-based Programming as it helps to understand the concept. The concept in a way that you will be able to understand which function works perfectly for your requirement and you won't face errors of spacing(indentation) and other issues. This also boosts your confidence as it is fantastic to see your program work in the first attempt. though it might not run as you expect it to still, the feeling is just great.
For people who are familiar with programming in any language, block-based or text-based, for them, it is gonna be an easy task to get comfortable with the text-based format.
Nevertheless, there is no barrier to your personal choice.
Where can I start learning to Program?
Although, there are hundreds of platforms where they teach you to code, the most renowned ones are Udemy and Edunox (for paid courses) and Futurelearn (for free courses, recommended for beginners).
P.S: This is not a paid promotion.
Be sure to check out the reviews of the instructor as well as the course before you begin with any of them.
So, ending up here, programming is a must for the future along with the present. It is also a great skill to learn and a perfect investment in yourself( For real investors, invest your money into companies who are progressing through programming and AI into the 'Future Tech')
As per your interests, budget, time, and passion, you can follow whichever way you want to enter the realm of programming. But be sure to get in their cause the social network you will form has got a different world for themselves and YOU!!!
"Keep developing,
one day the world will owe you "